Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Moleskine is Meandering!!!!

I just needed to let you know that I have sent my Moly on to Anna today. I enclosed a little book mark for each of you in the back pocket. Take one if you would like. The post office wanted to know if I wanted to insure it. How do you place a value on something like this? I hadn't thought of that until I was faced with putting a monetary value on this little $11.50 book after everyone has painted in it.  Please sign in on the front signature page and sign your artwork too.  OK?

Anna, I have enclosed a little something extra in the envelope for you. I hope you like it. When I was making it I thought of how kind you have been to me in the last year and so there is a lot of love built into it.

Gemma, you need to let me know when you get home from your trip so we can get started on our exchange.

Everyone please keep good thoughts for my Meandering Moleskin while it travels to Spain.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much Pat, but you know it's been a pleasure! Lots of love!
