Friday, January 22, 2010


Hi everyone
Big big soppy apologies coming your way from me this morning i am afraid, as i am running a little late on the Moly. I have drawn my design out and will be painting over the weekend ready for posting first thing on the monday. I really am sorry it just seems that everything has been happening so fast since December (that includes the weeks flying by!)
I hope you are all well though
And i promise promise promise to set about painting this weekend.
Big Hugs


  1. Oh Gem, that's ok as far as I'm concerned as I know that life gets pretty hectic sometimes. We put our best into our art when our muses are singing and they can't do that if they're stressed! :)

  2. Ha ha thanks loads Kim you make me feel much better, and what a great way to put it! you put a smile on my face.
