Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Anna's Moly to see us in to the New Year :)

Merry Christmas everyone i hope you all had a great one and a very very happy new year to look forward to.
I have recieved Anna's moly safe and sound in the post (about a week ago) so apologies that i have just got around to posting the piccies. But here they are the beautiful breathtaking views of Dolors world in Anna's moleskin...enjoy

She has captured the rolling countryside...

Eagles soaring high above the rippling cool waters of the lake

Small tumbling houses flanked by a bright blue sky.

All encased in this magical and enchanting moly.

You guys are all so talented im honoured to be taking part in such a great project with such talented artists.
Wishing you all a very happy New Year
Hugs Gem


  1. These are lovely pictures too, such an amazing amount of talent, and it's lovely working with you ladies :)

  2. Me too, Me too. Dolors it's lovely. Anna, aren't you excited?

  3. Thank you for your words. It is a lovely little place, not far away,that Anna knows, I hope she recognize it.
    Have a very Happy New Year!
